Introducing “The Guild”

March 19, 2013 at 6:56 pm (2013 Shakespeare in the Park, As You Like It) (, , )

Optimist Theatre is pleased to announce the young company for this year’s Shakespeare in the Park production of AS YOU LIKE IT.  Joining the cast as “The Guild” are Megan Kaminsky, Sherrick Robinson, Max Hultquist, Raven Dockery, Bridgette Well, and Michela Kealey.

Every production of Optimist Theatre’s free Shakespeare in the Park feature what we call our young company of players – even though ages range from 16 to 59 years of age.  This cast within a cast plays a very special part in every production.  In addition to portraying various characters, they are the world in which the story exists.  In THE TEMPEST, they were The Tribe and embodied the magic of the island.  If there was a storm, they were the thunder, lightning, and rain.  In MACBETH, The Coven were Malcolm’s army, Banquo’s assassins and guests at an ill-fated feast.

Early artistic plans for The Guild in AS YOU LIKE IT are exciting and we can’t wait to have you experience this Optimist Theatre force.


Sherrick Robinson


Michela Kealey


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